by Christina Rosso

EXCERPT // Oomph for Your Abracadabra

For three millennia, salt has been a valuable mineral used by cultures around the world, from the ancient Greeks to the Chinese. It’s a sacred object in Christianity, seen as a vessel of purification. Today, many of us use salt when we prepare food. Salt, however, isn’t simply a seasoning—if you’re a practicing pagan like me, you also believe that it’s a vehicle for magic. Spellwork and magic are a part of my everyday life, and salt is something I always have in my witchy arsenal. What I love about using salt is it’s a common household item. Contrary to what we often see on social media, witchcraft doesn’t have to cost anything!

Typically, I use it for protection, and I think of salt as a natural energy sponge. I’ve used it to protect my home from negative energy (including both living and spectral visitors). Recently, friends and I held a séance, and we sprinkled salt in the corners of the house, in each cardinal direction. We also created a protective salt circle around a candle, as an additional guard against unwanted entities.

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