The Timeless Eternal: Yasuomi Hashimura’s 'Future Déjà Vu' at Unique Photo


As we slog through another year of the pandemic, time has become more amorphous. For some of us, it has slowed down; for others, we have blinked and eighteen months have suddenly passed. For photographer Yasuomi Hashimura, 76, the passage of time—and how to capture a present moment—is his life’s work. 

“Of all art forms, I have found photography to be particularly well suited to capturing living moments in time,” Hashimura said in an email. “In both my ongoing Future Déjà Vu series and my Action Still Life series before that, I developed different working techniques to address the passage of time in different ways. I continue to explore ideas about time in my latest Memory Fragments series, which focuses on the uncertainty and imperfection of human memory.”

For full text and images, consider reading RQ in print, on a Sunday afternoon, sun streaming through your window, coffee in hand, and nary a phone alert within sight or in earshot… just fine words, fine design, and the opportunity to make a stitch in time. // Subscribe or buy a single issue today. // Print is dead. Long live print. //